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Expanded Compact
Number Name Status Rule Category Regulated Entity
Rule G-14 Reports of Sales or Purchases
Market Transparency Dealers, Bank Dealers
Rule G-14
Last Updated: 03/14/2016
Reports of Sales or Purchases

Rule Summary: Prohibits dealers from distributing or publishing reports of purchases or sales of municipal securities unless the report is made with knowledge or reason to believe that the transaction was effected, and without any reason to believe that the reported transaction is fictitious, or in furtherance of any fraudulent, deceptive or manipulative purpose, and establishes transaction reporting requirements and procedures.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers

Request for Comment
Request for Comment on Transaction Reporting Obligations under MSRB Rule G-14
View Notice
SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-14 to Shorten the Timeframe for Reporting Trades in Municipal Securities to the MSRB
View SEC Filing
SEC Approves Amendments to MSRB Rule G‐14 to Shorten Timeframe for Reporting Transactions in Municipal Securities
View Notice