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Expanded Compact
Number Name Status Rule Category Regulated Entity
Rule G-2 Standards of Professional Qualification
Professional Qualification Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers
Rule G-3 Professional Qualification Requirements
Professional Qualification Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-8 Books and Records to be Made by Brokers, Dealers, and Municipal Securities Dealers and Municipal Advisors
Regulated Entity Administration Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-12 Uniform Practice
Dealers, Bank Dealers
Rule G-15 Confirmation, Clearance, Settlement and Other Uniform Practice Requirements with Respect to Transactions with Customers
Uniform Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-16 Periodic Compliance Examination
Regulated Entity Administration Dealers, Bank Dealers
Rule G-27 Supervision
Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-2
Last Updated: 02/26/2015
Standards of Professional Qualification

Rule Summary: Prohibits dealers from effecting transactions in municipal securities and municipal advisors from engaging in municipal advisory activities unless they and their associated personnel are qualified in accordance with MSRB rules.

Rule for:

Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers

SEC Approves Amended MSRB Rule G-3 Creating an Exemption for Municipal Advisor Representatives from Requalification by Examination and Related Amendments to MSRB Rule G-8
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Rule G-3
Last Updated: 10/12/2023
Professional Qualification Requirements

Rule Summary: Establishes professional qualification and continuing education requirements for, and specifies the number of supervisory personnel who must be associated with, dealers and municipal advisors.

Rule for:

Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-3 to Create an Exemption for Municipal Advisor Representatives from Requalification by Examination and Remove Waiver Provisions and to Amend MSRB Rule G-8 to Establish Related Books and Records Requirements [Refiled to make technical changes, original filed on July 17, 2023]
View SEC Filing
SEC Approves Amended MSRB Rule G-3 Creating an Exemption for Municipal Advisor Representatives from Requalification by Examination and Related Amendments to MSRB Rule G-8
View Notice
Rule G-8
Last Updated: 03/01/2024
Books and Records to be Made by Brokers, Dealers, and Municipal Securities Dealers and Municipal Advisors

Rule Summary: Requires dealers and municipal advisors to make and keep current certain specified records.

Rule for:

Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-3 to Create an Exemption for Municipal Advisor Representatives from Requalification by Examination and Remove Waiver Provisions and to Amend MSRB Rule G-8 to Establish Related Books and Records Requirements [Refiled to make technical changes, original filed on July 17, 2023]
View SEC Filing
SEC Approves Amended MSRB Rule G-3 Creating an Exemption for Municipal Advisor Representatives from Requalification by Examination and Related Amendments to MSRB Rule G-8
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SEC Approves New MSRB Rule G-46 on Duties of Solicitor Municipal Advisors and Related Amendments to MSRB Rule G-8
View Notice
Rule G-12
Last Updated: 05/28/2024
Uniform Practice

Rule Summary: Summary: Establishes uniform industry practices for the processing, clearance and settlement of transactions between dealers in municipal securities.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers

SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-12 to Promote the Completion of Allocations, Confirmations, and Affirmations by the End of Trade Date [Refiled to make technical changes, original filed on December 14, 2023]
View SEC Filing
SEC Approves Amendments to MSRB Rule G‐14 to Shorten Timeframe for Reporting Transactions in Municipal Securities
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MSRB to Retire Select Interpretive Guidance Regarding Inter-Dealer Confirmation Disclosures
View Notice
SEC Approves Amendment to MSRB Rule G-12 to Promote the Completion of Allocations, Confirmations, and Affirmations by the End of Trade Date
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Rule G-15
Last Updated: 05/28/2024
Confirmation, Clearance, Settlement and Other Uniform Practice Requirements with Respect to Transactions with Customers

Rule Summary: Requires dealers to provide customers with written confirmations of transactions, containing specified information, including mark-ups and mark-downs, and prescribes certain uniform practice procedures for dealers that transact municipal securities business with customers.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

MSRB to Retire Select Interpretive Guidance Regarding Inter-Dealer Confirmation Disclosures
View Notice
Rule G-16
Last Updated: 12/09/2020
Periodic Compliance Examination

Rule Summary: Sets forth minimum scope and frequency of periodic compliance examinations of dealers by a registered securities association and bank regulators.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers

SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-27 to Further Extend the Current Regulatory Relief for Remote Office Inspections through June 30, 2024 and Amend MSRB Rule G-16 to Delete Temporary Relief for the Initiation of Periodic Compliance Examinations of Dealers by the Examining Authorities
View SEC Filing
MSRB Provides Additional Regulatory Relief by Further Extending the Temporary Timeframe for Remote Office Inspections and Files Amendments to Remove Expired Relief Under Rule G-16
View Notice
Rule G-27
Last Updated: 07/01/2024

Rule Summary: Outlines requirements for a dealer’s supervision of personnel engaged in activities involving municipal securities activities.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-27, on Supervision, to Allow Eligible Dealers to Fulfill Their Internal Inspection Obligation of Certain Offices and Locations Remotely for a Pilot Period, Subject to the Conditions Prescribed under FINRA’s Remote Inspections Pilot Program
View SEC Filing
SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-27, on Dealer Supervision, to Adopt a New Residential Supervisory Location Classification
View SEC Filing
SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-27 to Further Extend the Current Regulatory Relief for Remote Office Inspections through June 30, 2024 and Amend MSRB Rule G-16 to Delete Temporary Relief for the Initiation of Periodic Compliance Examinations of Dealers by the Examining Authorities
View SEC Filing
MSRB Amends Rule G-27 to Allow Dealers to Conduct Remote Inspections, Consistent with Recent FINRA Amendments
View Notice
MSRB Amends Rule G-27 to Adopt the Residential Supervisory Location Classification Consistent with FINRA Dealer Supervision Provisions
View Notice
MSRB Provides Additional Regulatory Relief by Further Extending the Temporary Timeframe for Remote Office Inspections and Files Amendments to Remove Expired Relief Under Rule G-16
View Notice