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Expanded Compact
Number Name Status Rule Category Regulated Entity
Rule G-1 Separately Identifiable Department or Division of a Bank Regulated Entity Administration Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers
Rule G-6 Fidelity Bonding Requirements Regulated Entity Administration Dealers
Rule G-7 Information Concerning Associated Persons Regulated Entity Administration Dealers, Bank Dealers
Rule G-8 Books and Records to be Made by Brokers, Dealers, and Municipal Securities Dealers and Municipal Advisors
Regulated Entity Administration Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-9 Preservation of Records Regulated Entity Administration Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers
Rule G-15 Confirmation, Clearance, Settlement and Other Uniform Practice Requirements with Respect to Transactions with Customers
Uniform Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-16 Periodic Compliance Examination
Regulated Entity Administration Dealers, Bank Dealers
Rule G-26 Customer Account Transfers Uniform Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-28 Transactions with Employees and Partners of Other Municipal Securities Professionals Uniform Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-33 Calculations Uniform Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers
Rule G-1
Last Updated: 02/26/2015
Separately Identifiable Department or Division of a Bank

Rule Summary: Defines the term “separately identifiable department or division of a bank” and sets forth bank activities that constitute dealer activities.

Rule for:

Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers

Rule G-6
Last Updated: 06/15/1999
Fidelity Bonding Requirements

Rule Summary: Requires dealers that are members of a registered securities association to meet the fidelity bonding requirements set by the association, as a prerequisite to qualification for purposes of MSRB Rule G-2.

Rule for:


Rule G-7
Last Updated: 08/01/2014
Information Concerning Associated Persons

Rule Summary: Requires dealers to obtain information from their associated personnel concerning their qualifications to engage in municipal securities business and contemplates that this information will be filed with the appropriate regulatory agency.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers

Request for Comment
Request for Comment on Gathering and Display of Bank Dealer Associated Persons’ Registration and Qualification Information
View Notice
Rule G-8
Last Updated: 03/01/2024
Books and Records to be Made by Brokers, Dealers, and Municipal Securities Dealers and Municipal Advisors

Rule Summary: Requires dealers and municipal advisors to make and keep current certain specified records.

Rule for:

Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-3 to Create an Exemption for Municipal Advisor Representatives from Requalification by Examination and Remove Waiver Provisions and to Amend MSRB Rule G-8 to Establish Related Books and Records Requirements [Refiled to make technical changes, original filed on July 17, 2023]
View SEC Filing
SEC Approves Amended MSRB Rule G-3 Creating an Exemption for Municipal Advisor Representatives from Requalification by Examination and Related Amendments to MSRB Rule G-8
View Notice
SEC Approves New MSRB Rule G-46 on Duties of Solicitor Municipal Advisors and Related Amendments to MSRB Rule G-8
View Notice
Rule G-9
Last Updated: 06/25/2020
Preservation of Records

Rule Summary: Prescribes the periods of time that records must be preserved and requires that records be accessible for inspection by appropriate regulatory agencies.

Rule for:

Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers

Rule G-15
Last Updated: 05/28/2024
Confirmation, Clearance, Settlement and Other Uniform Practice Requirements with Respect to Transactions with Customers

Rule Summary: Requires dealers to provide customers with written confirmations of transactions, containing specified information, including mark-ups and mark-downs, and prescribes certain uniform practice procedures for dealers that transact municipal securities business with customers.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

MSRB to Retire Select Interpretive Guidance Regarding Inter-Dealer Confirmation Disclosures
View Notice
Rule G-16
Last Updated: 12/09/2020
Periodic Compliance Examination

Rule Summary: Sets forth minimum scope and frequency of periodic compliance examinations of dealers by a registered securities association and bank regulators.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers

SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-27 to Further Extend the Current Regulatory Relief for Remote Office Inspections through June 30, 2024 and Amend MSRB Rule G-16 to Delete Temporary Relief for the Initiation of Periodic Compliance Examinations of Dealers by the Examining Authorities
View SEC Filing
MSRB Provides Additional Regulatory Relief by Further Extending the Temporary Timeframe for Remote Office Inspections and Files Amendments to Remove Expired Relief Under Rule G-16
View Notice
Rule G-26
Last Updated: 04/22/2019
Customer Account Transfers

Rule Summary: Ensures that a uniform account transfer standard applies to all dealers.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-28
Last Updated: 02/24/2003
Transactions with Employees and Partners of Other Municipal Securities Professionals

Rule Summary: Establishes requirements for dealers who open accounts or effect transactions in municipal securities for a customer who is known to be an employee or partner of another dealer.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-33
Last Updated: 03/08/2016

Rule Summary: Prescribes standard formulas for the computation of accrued interest, dollar price and yield; sets standards for accuracy; and establishes day-counting methods.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers
