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Expanded Compact
Number Name Status Rule Category Regulated Entity
Rule G-10 Investor and Municipal Advisory Client Education and Protection Fair Practice Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-17 Conduct of Municipal Securities and Municipal Advisory Activities Fair Practice Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-19 Suitability of Recommendations and Transactions Fair Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-21 Advertising by Brokers, Dealers or Municipal Securities Dealers Fair Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-30 Prices and Commissions Fair Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-37 Political Contributions and Prohibitions on Municipal Securities Business and Municipal Advisory Business Fair Practice Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-39 Telemarketing Fair Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-40 Advertising by Municipal Advisors
Fair Practice Municipal Advisors, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-42 Duties of Non-Solicitor Municipal Advisors Fair Practice Municipal Advisors, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-45 Reporting of Information on Municipal Fund Securities Fair Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-46 Duties of Solicitor Municipal Advisors
Fair Practice Municipal Advisors, General Public, Issuers
Rule G-47 Time of Trade Disclosure
Fair Practice Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-10
Last Updated: 10/05/2021
Investor and Municipal Advisory Client Education and Protection

Rule Summary: Requires dealers and municipal advisors to provide certain notices to customers and clients within specified timeframes.

Rule for:

Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-17
Last Updated: 11/06/2019
Conduct of Municipal Securities and Municipal Advisory Activities

Rule Summary: Requires dealers and municipal advisors to deal fairly with all persons and not to engage in any deceptive, dishonest or unfair practice.

Rule for:

Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-19
Last Updated: 06/25/2020
Suitability of Recommendations and Transactions

Rule Summary: Sets standards for recommendations by dealers to customers of purchases, sales or exchanges of municipal securities.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-21
Last Updated: 06/28/2019
Advertising by Brokers, Dealers or Municipal Securities Dealers

Rule Summary: Prohibits dealers from publishing false or misleading advertisements relating to municipal securities or concerning the facilities, services or skills of any dealer; establishes specific requirements for advertisements of new issues and municipal fund securities; and requires a municipal securities or general securities principal to approve in writing advertisements prior to first use.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-30
Last Updated: 11/17/2016
Prices and Commissions

Rule Summary: Requires dealers to effect transactions in municipal securities with customers at fair and reasonable prices, if acting as principal, and to make reasonable efforts to obtain fair and reasonable prices for customers and to charge fair and reasonable commissions, if acting as agent.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-37
Last Updated: 08/04/2016
Political Contributions and Prohibitions on Municipal Securities Business and Municipal Advisory Business

Rule Summary: Prohibits dealers from engaging in municipal securities business and municipal advisors from engaging in municipal advisory business with municipal entities if certain contributions have been made to officials of such municipal entities within the preceding two-year period, and requires dealers and municipal advisors to disclose certain political contributions and other information.

Rule for:

Dealers, Municipal Advisors, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-39
Last Updated: 05/24/2013

Rule Summary: Establishes telemarketing requirements with respect to the municipal securities activities of dealers.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-40
Last Updated: 07/03/2023
Advertising by Municipal Advisors

Rule Summary: Prohibits municipal advisors from publishing false or misleading advertisements concerning the services of the municipal advisor or the engagement of a municipal advisory client or concerning the facilities, services or skills of any municipal advisor, establishes specific content standards for advertisements and requires a municipal advisor principal to approve, in writing, advertisement prior to first use.

Rule for:

Municipal Advisors, Municipal Fund Securities

Compliance Resource
FAQs on Use of Municipal Advisory Client Lists and Case Studies
View Resource
Compliance Resource
Application of the Content Standards to Advertisements by Municipal Advisors under MSRB Rule G-40
View Resource
Compliance Resource
Assessing Supervision of Municipal Advisor Advertising Regulations
View Resource
Rule G-42
Last Updated: 05/07/2018
Duties of Non-Solicitor Municipal Advisors

Rule Summary: Establishes the core standards of conduct and duties of municipal advisors when engaging in municipal advisory activities (as defined in this rule).

Rule for:

Municipal Advisors, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-45
Last Updated: 04/22/2019
Reporting of Information on Municipal Fund Securities

Rule Summary: Requires dealers, when acting in the capacity of an underwriter for a 529 savings plan or ABLE program, to submit information on a semi-annual or, in the case of performance data, annual basis, to the MSRB.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

Rule G-46
Last Updated: 03/01/2024
Duties of Solicitor Municipal Advisors

Rule Summary: Establishes the core standards of conduct for solicitor municipal advisors when engaging in solicitation activities that would require them to register with the SEC and the MSRB as municipal advisors.

Rule for:

Municipal Advisors, General Public, Issuers

SEC Approves New MSRB Rule G-46 on Duties of Solicitor Municipal Advisors and Related Amendments to MSRB Rule G-8
View Notice
Rule G-47
Last Updated: 03/07/2014
Time of Trade Disclosure

Rule Summary: Requires dealers to disclose to customers at or prior to the time of trade all material information known or available publicly through established industry sources.

Rule for:

Dealers, Bank Dealers, Municipal Fund Securities

SEC Filing
Proposed Rule Change to Amend MSRB Rule G-47, on Time of Trade Disclosure, to Codify and Retire Certain Existing Interpretive Guidance and Add New Time of Trade Disclosure Scenarios
View SEC Filing
SEC Approves Amendments to Rule G-47 to Add Three New Time of Trade Disclosure Scenarios, Codify and Consolidate Existing Guidance, Delete Certain Guidance, and Make Technical Amendments
View Notice