<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% 'on error resume next option explicit dim cn, rs dim sql set cn = server.createobject("ADODB.Connection") set rs = server.createobject("ADODB.Recordset") sql = "select * from ebs order by EBSID" cn.open "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=F:\inetpub\msrb\website\msrb1\TRSweb\ebs.mdb;" rs.open sql, cn Dim oFSO,oFile,dMod Set oFSO = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set oFile = oFSO.GetFile(Server.MapPath("ebs.mdb")) dMod = FormatDateTime(oFile.DateLastModified,0) & " Eastern" Set oFSO = Nothing Set oFile = Nothing %> MSRB Dealer Identifiers to be Used when Reporting Transactions to the MSRB Transaction Reporting System

The list below includes all MSRB registrants that have reported to the MSRB that they are effecting municipal securities transactions; this is not a complete list of all dealers registered with the MSRB. This list is provided to facilitate transaction reporting of municipal securities under MSRB Rule G-14, which requires dealers to report both customer and inter-dealer transactions to the MSRB using the four character (alpha) symbol assigned by NASDAQ.(Click here to see Rule G-14)

Inter-dealer Transactions: MSRB Rule G-14 requires dealers to report inter-dealer transactions to the MSRB through the Real Time Trade Matching (RTTM) system operated by the Depository Trust Clearing Corporation (DTCC). The procedures for reporting inter-dealer transactions require that dealers identify themselves and the contra-parties with which they are effecting transactions. Like the Real-Time Trade Reporting System (RTRS), the dealer identifiers used in the RTTM system must include the identifying (alpha) symbols assigned to each firm by NASDAQ. This is included in the field labeled "executing broker symbol.”  The list below is designed to help research the broker symbols of other dealers who effect municipal securities transactions and to confirm that the effecting firm is known by the MSRB under the correct company name and executing broker symbol.

<% if not rs.BOF and not rs.EOF then while not rs.EOF %> <% rs.MoveNext wend end if %>
MSRB Number Company Name EBS ID
<% = rs(0).Value %> <% = rs(1).Value %> <% = rs(2).Value %>

Click here to download this list in Excel (XLS) format
Click here to download this list in ASCII comma delimited format


Last updated on
<% =dMod %>

<% rs.Close cn.Close set rs = nothing set cn = nothing %>