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Number Name Status Rule Category Regulated Entity
Rule G-40 Advertising by Municipal Advisors
Fair Practice Municipal Advisors, Municipal Fund Securities
Rule G-40
Last Updated: 07/03/2023
Advertising by Municipal Advisors

Rule Summary: Prohibits municipal advisors from publishing false or misleading advertisements concerning the services of the municipal advisor or the engagement of a municipal advisory client or concerning the facilities, services or skills of any municipal advisor, establishes specific content standards for advertisements and requires a municipal advisor principal to approve, in writing, advertisement prior to first use.

Rule for:

Municipal Advisors, Municipal Fund Securities

Compliance Resource
FAQs on Use of Municipal Advisory Client Lists and Case Studies
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Compliance Resource
Application of the Content Standards to Advertisements by Municipal Advisors under MSRB Rule G-40
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Compliance Resource
Assessing Supervision of Municipal Advisor Advertising Regulations
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