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Archive 2009

MSRB Notice 2009-64 (December 21, 2009)
Amendment Filed to Pending Proposal on Underwriter Submission of Information About Continuing Disclosure Undertakings to EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-63 (December 21, 2009)
Amendment Filed to Pending Proposal on Additional Voluntary Submissions by Issuers and Obligated Persons to EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-62 (December 4, 2009)
Amendments Filed to Rule G-37 Regarding Contributions to Bond Ballot Campaigns

MSRB Notice 2009-61 (December 1, 2009)
Reminder of December 1, 2009 Effective Date of Amendments to Rule A-13 on Underwriting Assessments

MSRB Notice 2009-60 (November 24, 2009)
MSRB Primary Market and Continuing Disclosure Submission Services - Reminder of Upcoming Word-Searchable Document Requirement and Update on Other Submission-Related Matters

MSRB Notice 2009-59 (November 18, 2009)
Rule Amendments and Interpretive Notice Filed Regarding Priority of Orders in Primary Offerings

MSRB Notice 2009-58 (November 5, 2009)
Proposed Rule A-16 on Examination Fees

MSRB Notice 2009-57 (October 21, 2009)
Upcoming Changes to the Real-Time Transaction Reporting System

MSRB Notice 2009-56 (September 30, 2009)
Amendments to Rule A-13 on Underwriting Assessments

MSRB Notice 2009-55 (September 30, 2009)
Amendments Approved to Rules G-11 and G-12 Regarding Settlement Dates and Payments of Designations

MSRB Notice 2009-54 (September 29, 2009)
Reminder Notice on Fair Practice Duties to Issuers of Municipal Securities

MSRB Notice 2009-53 (September 22, 2009)
MSRB and SIFMA to Co-Host Regulatory and Compliance Seminars in New York and Chicago

MSRB Notice 2009-52 (September 22, 2009)
MSRB Hosts Webinar Series on Market Information Programs

MSRB Notice 2009-51 (September 16, 2009)
Request for Comment: Disclosure of Bank and Bank Holding Company Political Action Committee Contributions


Comments received are available for this notice.

MSRB Notice 2009-50 (September 15, 2009)
Use of Electronic Confirmations Produced By a Clearing Agency or Qualified Vendor to Satisfy the Requirements of Rule G-15(a)

MSRB Notice 2009-49 (August 25, 2009)
Build America Bonds: Reminder of Customer Confirmation Yield Disclosure Requirement

MSRB Notice 2009-48 (August 13, 2009)
Amendment to Rule A-14, on Annual Fee

MSRB Notice 2009-47 (August 11, 2009)
Request for Comment Regarding Priority of Orders in Primary Offerings


Comments received are available for this notice.

MSRB Notice 2009-46 (August 6, 2009)
Amendments to Rules G-11 and G-12 Filed with SEC

MSRB Notice 2009-45 (July 29, 2009)
Amendments Filed to Administrative Rules: Rules A-3, A-4, A-5 and A-6

MSRB Notice 2009-44 (July 15, 2009)
Proposals Filed to Provide for Additional Primary Market and Continuing Disclosure Information to Be Made Available Through EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-43 (July 14, 2009)
Request for Comment on Additional Increases in Transparency of Municipal ARS and VRDO


Comments received are available for this notice.

MSRB Notice 2009-42 (July 14, 2009)
MSRB Issues Interpretive Guidance on Disclosure and Other Sales Practice Obligations to Individual and Other Retail Investors in Municipal Securities

MSRB Notice 2009-41 (July 10, 2009)
Applicability of MSRB Rules to California Registered Warrants

MSRB Notice 2009-40 (July 2, 2009)
Interpretive Letter Regarding Solicitation Activity on Behalf of an Affiliated Company Pursuant to Rules G-37 and G-38

MSRB Notice 2009-39 (July 1, 2009)
MSRB Launches the Continuing Disclosure Service of EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-38 (June 30, 2009)
MSRB, FINRA Issue Joint Investor Education Notice

MSRB Notice 2009-37 (June 29, 2009)
Preparations by Issuers and Others for the July 1, 2009 Launch of the Continuing Disclosure Service of EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-36 (June 25, 2009)
EMMA Dataport Submission System Outage on Friday, June 26, 2009 at 3:00 PM

MSRB Notice 2009-35 (June 22, 2009)
Comments Requested: Draft Amendments to Rule G-37 Regarding Bond Ballot Campaign Committee Contributions


Comments received are available for this notice.

MSRB Notice 2009-34 (June 18, 2009)
MSRB Announces Webinars for Issuers on Continuing Disclosure Registration

MSRB Notice 2009-33 ( June 11, 2009)
Final Specifications for the EMMA Continuing Disclosure Subscription Service

MSRB Notice 2009-32 (June 11, 2009)
Final Specifications for the EMMA Continuing Disclosure Automated Submission Interface

MSRB Notice 2009-31 (June 10, 2009)
MSRB to Accept Voluntary Continuing Disclosures to EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-30 (June 9, 2009)
Build America Bonds: Application of Rule G-37 to Solicitations of Issuers

MSRB Notice 2009-29 (June 4, 2009)
Webinars About the Business-to-Business Submission and Subscription Process for the Primary Market Disclosure Service of EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-28 (June 1, 2009)
MSRB Establishes Electronic Official Statement Dissemination Standard under Rule G-32 and Launches Permanent Primary Market Disclosure Service of EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-27 (June 1, 2009)
MSRB Launches Continuing Disclosure Pilot of EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-26 (May 29, 2009)
MSRB Files to Terminate its CDINet System Effective July 1, 2009

MSRB Notice 2009-25 (May 28, 2009)
Webinars About the Submission Process for Advance Refunding Documents and 529 College Savings Plan Documents to EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-24 (May 27, 2009)
MSRB Discontinues e-OS System

MSRB Notice 2009-23 (May 22, 2009)
MSRB to Launch Continuing Disclosure Pilot Service on EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-22 (May 22, 2009)
SEC Approves Primary Market Disclosure Service on EMMA for Electronic Dissemination of Official Statements

MSRB Notice 2009-21 (May 13, 2009)
Webinars About the Submission Process for the Primary Market Disclosure Service of EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-20 (May 12, 2009)
Request for Comment Regarding Settlement of Syndicate Accounts and Secondary Market Trading Accounts


Comments received are available for this notice.

MSRB Notice 2009-19 (May 6, 2009)
Webinars About the Submission Process for the Continuing Disclosure Service of EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-18 (May 6, 2009)
MSRB Updates Timing on Launch of New Services on EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-17 (May 5, 2009)
Upcoming Enhancements to the SHORT System and Data Elements Clarification

MSRB Notice 2009-16 (April 28, 2009)
Notice of Filing of Amendment to Rule G-8, on Books and Records, Relating to ARS and VRDO

MSRB Notice 2009-15 (April 24, 2009)
MSRB Provides Guidance on Build America Bonds and Other Tax Credit Bonds

MSRB Notice 2009-14 (April 22, 2009)
MSRB Files EMMA Continuing Disclosure Subscription Service and Publishes Preliminary Specifications for Subscription and Document Submission Feeds

MSRB Notice 2009-13 (April 20, 2009)
MSRB and RBDA to Hold Municipal Securities Seminar on May 13, 2009

MSRB Notice 2009-12 (April 14, 2009)
MSRB Files to Allow Voluntary Continuing Disclosures on EMMA

MSRB Notice 2009-11 (March 27, 2009)
Reminder of April 1, 2009 Effective Date of MSRB Short System for Variable Rate Demand Obligations

MSRB Notice 2009-10 (March 25, 2009)
MSRB Files to Establish Pilot for EMMA’s Continuing Disclosure Service

MSRB Notice 2009-09 (March 24, 2009)
Final Specifications for the MSRB’s Electronic Municipal Market Access System (“EMMA”) Primary Market Subscription Service

MSRB Notice 2009-08 (March 24, 2009)
Final Specifications for the MSRB’s Electronic Municipal Market Access System (“EMMA”) Primary Market Automated Submission Interface

MSRB Notice 2009-07 (March 23, 2009)
MSRB Files for EMMA Primary Market Disclosure Service

MSRB Notice 2009-06 ( February 25, 2009)
MSRB Gateway Rollout and Training

MSRB Notice 2009-05 (January 28, 2009)
Reminder of January 30, 2009 Effective Date of MSRB SHORT System and New Location of SHORT System Web Service

MSRB Notice 2009-04 (January 9, 2009)
SEC Approves Proposal to Increase Transparency of Auction Rate Securities and Variable Rate Demand Obligations

MSRB Notice 2009-03 (January 7, 2009)
Recommendations Requested for Board Nominations

MSRB Notice 2009-02 (January 5, 2009)
MSRB Announces Availability of SHORT System Web User Interface

MSRB Notice 2009-01 (January 2, 2009)
MSRB Amends Proposal to Increase Transparency of Variable Rate Demand Obligations


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