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Archive 1997

Operational Start Date for Customer Transaction Reporting, December 29, 1997

The operational start date of the customer transaction phase of the Board's Transaction Reporting Program has been delayed from January 1, 1998 to March 1, 1998.

Proposed amendments to rules G-11, G-12, and G-8, December 23, 1997

The Board has filed with the SEC proposed amendments to rules G-11, on sales of new issue municipal securities, G-12, on uniform practice, and G-8, on books and records, in regard to syndicate practices.

Amendment filed to rule G-23, December 23, 1997

The Board has filed with the SEC an amendment to rule G-23 on activities of financial advisors. The amendment requires a financial advisor, prior to entering into a remarketing agreement for an issue on which it advised, to disclose, in writing, to the issuer the terms of the remuneration the financial advisor could earn as remarketing agent on such issue and that there may be a conflict of interest in changing from the capacity of financial advisor to remarketing agent.

Proposed amendments to rule G-32, December 22, 1997

The Board has filed proposed amendments to rule G-32, on disclosures in connection with new issues, relating to dissemination of official statements to purchasing dealers and initial offering prices of maturities not reoffered

Series 53 study outline, December 19, 1997

Effective date for revised Series 53 study outline changed to March 1, 1998.

Amendment filed, December 18, 1997

The Board has filed proposed amendments to rule G-37, on political contributions and prohibitions on municipal securities business, rule G-8, on recordkeeping, and rule G-38, on consultants

Notice of filing, December 16, 1997

The Board has established a fee relating to the public dissemination on CD-ROM of quarterly Form G-37/G-38 filings

Amendment Filed, revised forms G-36(OS) and G-36(ARD): December 2, 1997

The Board has filed revised Forms G-36(OS) and G-36(ARD) and an amendment to rule G-8(a)(xv), on recordkeeping. The revised Forms G-36(OS) and G-36(ARD) and amendment to rule G-8(a)(xv) become operative on January 1, 1998.

Consultants Rule G-38 November 25, 1997

The Board has filed an amendment to rule G-38, on consultants, that would give dealers the option of disclosing their consulting arrangements to issuers, pursuant to section (c) of the rule, on either an issue-specific or issuer-specific basis.

Arbitration Rule G-35 November 13, 1997

The Board has filed an amendment to its File No. SR-MSRB-97-4 relating to rule G-35.

The Board is publishing a third Question and Answer notice concerning consultants. November 13, 1997

Question and Answer notice concerning consultants.

Notice: October 1997

MSRB Transaction  Reporting Program Questions and Answers.

Amendments Filed: September 30, 1997

The Board has filed technical amendments to rule G-37, on political contributions and prohibitions on municipal securities bussiness, rule G-38, on consultants, and G-8, on recordkeeping.

Draft Amendments to Rules G-38 and G-8 and Draft Changes to Form G-37/G-38: September 11, 1997

The Board requests comment on a draft amendment to rule G-38, on consultants, that would require dealers to disclose their consultants' political contributions to officials of an issuer and payments to state and local political parties. The Board also is seeking comment on a related amendment to rule G-8, on recordkeeping, and revisions to Form G-37/G-38. Comments are due no later than December 15, 1997.

Additional Questions and Answers: Rule G-37 on Political Contributions and Prohibitions on Municipal Securities Business:

September 9, 1997

The Board has published an additional question-and-answer notice regarding rule G-37 on political contributions and prohibitions on municipal securities business. The questions and answers address the applicability of the rule to transition and inaugural expenses, the definition of issuer official, the definitions of municipal finance professional and executive officer, and reporting by syndicate members.

Rule G-35: Arbitration: May 22, 1997

The Board has filed an amendment to its Arbitration Code (rule G-35) to state that it will not accept any new arbitration claims filed on or after January 1, 1998, and that as of that date every bank dealer shall be subject to the NASD's Code of Arbitration Procedue.

Rule G-38: Consultants: May 21, 1997

The Board requests comment on a draft amendment to rule G-38 that would give dealers the option of disclosing information on their consulting arrangements to issuers on either an issue-specific or issuer-specific basis.


Text of Proposed Rule & Forms G-36 (OS) & G-36(ARD)


Proposed Change Filed to Establish a Fee Relating to the OS/ARD Subsystem: May 19, 1997

The Board has filed a proposed change to establish a fee relating to the operation of its OS/ARD subsystem of the MSIL system.

From the Chairman

The Board is publishing Chairman Roger Hayes' letter to the municipal securities industry


Rule G-32: Notice of the Draft Amendments

As announced after its February 1997 meeting, the MSRB has determined to withdraw the draft amendment to Rule G-32, on disclosure in connection with new issues.

Rule G-39: Telemarketing Rule Approved

Rule G-39 and amendments to rules G-21, G-8 and G-9 concern telemarketing requirements with respect to the municipal securities activities of brokers, dealers and municipal securities dealers.



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