Also In This Issue
Board Elects Sollers Chairman;
Pope Vice Chairman The Board has elected its Chairman and Vice Chairman for its 1999 fiscal year. Mr. Scott C. Sollers is serving as Chairman and Mr. Robert Dean Pope is serving as Vice Chairman. They began their terms on October 1, 1998. Mr. Sollers is a principal with Stone & Youngberg LLC and has had overall management responsibilities for the firms investment banking activities since 1981. He began his career financing California public projects in 1976. In January 1991, Mr. Sollers was elected Chairman of the firms Executive Committee. He is currently serving as a member of the Technical Advisory Committee to the California Debt Advisory Commission. Mr. Sollers received his undergraduate degree and Masters degree from the University of Pennsylvania. Mr. Pope is a Partner with the law firm of Hunton & Williams. He is a member of the Anthony Commission on Public Finance, an advisory member, Committee on Governmental Debt and Fiscal Policy, Government Finance Officers Association and a former president of the National Association of Bond Lawyers. Mr. Pope received an A.B. magna cum laude in history from Princeton University, a J.D. and Ph.D. from Yale University, and a diploma in historical studies from Cambridge University. In This Issue
The Board is publishing a notice to address the use by brokers, dealers and municipal securities dealers of electronic media to deliver and receive information under Board rules.
The Securities and Exchange Commission has approved syndicate practices amendments concerning issuer syndicate requirements, allocation of securities, disclosure of designation information, disclosure of the take-down and payment of designations. The Board is publishing this notice to review the requirements of rule G-32 and to emphasize the importance of full and timely compliance.
The Board is publishing a notice regarding issuer selection of underwriters counsel. |
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