Also In This Issue
Board Elects Estrada ChairmanThe Board has elected
its Chairman, Mr. Robert A. Estrada, for its 2000 fiscal year. Mr. Estrada began his term as Chairman on
October 1, 1999. Mr. Estrada, an attorney at law, is Chairman and CEO of Estrada Hinojosa & Company, Inc., a Dallas, Texas, investment banking firm he founded in 1990. He started his firm following his serving at the White House as Special Assistant to President George Bush. Prior to that, Mr. Estrada practiced law as a bond lawyer in Texas. Mr. Estrada received his J.D. and B.S. degrees from the University of Texas at Austin. In This Issue Public Reporting of Individual Transactions in Frequently Traded Municipal Securities Service Approved: Rule G-14 The Securities and Exchange Commission has approved a service to provide a daily public report concerning information on individual transactions in frequently traded municipal securities. To obtain a subscription to the new report service, it will be necessary to sign a subscription agreement, but there will be no fee. The Board has released certain statistical information on transaction patterns in the municipal securities market. Amendment Filed: Rule G-36 The Board has filed an amendment to rule G-36(c)(i) relating
to official statements prepared in connection with most primary offerings
exempt from Exchange Act Rule 15c2-12. Amendments Approved: Rules G-38, G-37 and G-8 The amendments require dealers to obtain from their consultants information on the consultants’ political contributions and payments to state and local political parties and to report such information to the Board on Form G-37/G-38.
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