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Data & Research

The MSRB collects and disseminates municipal market data and disclosures and prepares objective research reports to assist market participants and the public in developing a deeper understanding of the municipal securities market.

Image of a combination bar and line chart

What's New?

- Market Data
Municipal Securities Market Trading Summary - Last Updated October 10, 2024
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- Market Research
Third Quarter 2024 Municipal Securities Market Summary
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- Market Research
Analysis of Primary vs. Recently Issued and Competitive vs. Negotiated Municipal Securities Markets
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- Market Research
Second Quarter 2024 Municipal Securities Market Summary
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- Market Data
MSRB Statistical Summaries and Reports
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- Market Research
Timing of Annual Financial Disclosures by Issuers of Municipal Securities
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- Market Research
Pre-Trade Market Activity in Municipal Securities Recent Developments
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- Market Research
First Quarter 2024 Municipal Securities Market Summary
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- Market Research
Trading Patterns in the Municipal Securities Market
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Market Data & Research Publications

Market Research

View objective-based analyses and publications.

Market Data

View a variety municipal market data and statistics publications. 

All Market Research & Data

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Data Subscriptions

Data and disclosure documents available for free on the EMMA website are also available on a subscription basis.

Data for Academics

The MSRB provides free and reduced cost data to universities and other research institutions looking to conduct research about the municipal securities market. The MSRB also supports a unique opportunity for select academics to conduct research with support from MSRB staff.