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April 2022 MSRB Board of Directors Meeting Discussion Items

April 2022 MSRB Board of Directors Meeting Discussion Items

The Board of Directors of the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) will meet in Washington, D.C. on April 26-28, 2022, where it will discuss the following topics:

Market Regulation

The Board will discuss seeking public comment on a retrospective review of MSRB Rule G-14 to modernize trade reporting requirements with a view to enhancing post-trade transparency.

Market Transparency

The Board will preview the future-state website, which is being redesigned to make MSRB rules, compliance resources, educational materials and other information easier and more intuitive to find, and to complement the ongoing work to modernize the Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA®) website and related market transparency systems.

Market Structure and Data

The Board will discuss potential new opportunities to collaborate with market participants in EMMA Labs, the MSRB’s innovation sandbox, to advance transparency and the quality and comparability of data in the municipal securities market.

Public Trust

As part of its commitment to uphold the public trust and serve as a forum for conversation about evolving municipal market matters, the Board published a request for information on environmental, social and governance (ESG) practices in the municipal securities market in December 2021. Following the end of the 90-day comment period in March, the Board began its review of comments received and will discuss preliminary themes at its meeting.