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Listening to Stakeholders

Listening to Stakeholders
In FY2019, stakeholder feedback will continue to feature prominently in many of MSRB initiatives. As a self-regulatory organization, the MSRB’s success depends on the ability to listen thoughtfully to its various stakeholders, carefully weigh their input and incorporate it in sensible and appropriate ways. This year, to enhance existing feedback mechanisms, the MSRB is forming new advisory groups that will add greater insight to policy questions considered by the Board of Directors. These groups, which expand the MSRB’s access to balanced, expert market knowledge from a variety of professionals in the municipal securities market, will complement industry listening sessions and Town Hall meetings. The MSRB also will use stakeholder feedback to continue to refine its approach to providing additional compliance support to regulated entities.

Stakeholder Engagement
As an SRO, the MSRB’s representative Board of Directors serves as the foundation for policymaking, which is further informed by ongoing engagement with municipal market participants and other stakeholders who share the MSRB’s commitment to safeguarding the integrity of the municipal securities market.

Read more about the MSRB's approach to stakeholder engagement.



Recent Activity

Stakeholder Engagement
The MSRB’s representative Board of Directors serves as the foundation for policymaking, which is further informed by ongoing engagement with municipal market participants and other stakeholders who share the MSRB’s commitment to safeguarding the integrity of the municipal securities market.
Recent Activity

Stakeholder Engagement
The MSRB’s representative Board of Directors serves as the foundation for policymaking, which is further informed by ongoing engagement with municipal market participants and other stakeholders who share the MSRB’s commitment to safeguarding the integrity of the municipal securities market.