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Municipal Advisor Firms

MSRB-Registered Municipal Advisor Firms and Qualified Representatives and Principals

The Municipal Advisor Firms tab displays municipal advisor firms registered with the MSRB with at least one individual associated with the firm who has passed the MSRB’s Municipal Advisor Representative Qualification Examination (Series 50).1

Municipal advisor firms must have at least one individual appropriately qualified who has passed the Series 50 exam in order to engage in municipal advisory activities. Municipal market participants should closely review this list as part of evaluating the qualifications of a municipal advisor firm. Any entity that is engaging in municipal advisory activities on behalf of a municipal entity or obligated person client without having taken the necessary steps to become a duly registered municipal advisor firm – meaning having filed Form MA (Application for Municipal Advisor Registration) and Form MA-I (Information Regarding Natural Persons Who Engage in Municipal Advisory Activities) with the SEC and Form A-12 with the MSRB – could be deemed an unregistered municipal advisor firm, which is a violation of MSRB rules and other federal securities laws.

The link on this tab facilitates access to the required disclosures that municipal advisor firms make to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) on SEC Forms MA and MA-I. These disclosures may include information about criminal actions, regulatory actions, investigations, terminations, judgments, liens, civil judicial actions, customer complaints, arbitrations and civil litigation, if any. Read more about working with municipal advisors in the MSRB Education Center. 

Click on a firm or individual’s name below to access the filings made with the SEC.

Only those MSRB-registered municipal advisor firms who have at least one Series 50-qualified representative can be found in the list below.

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Show entries:
Firm Name Sort descending MSRB ID State Registrant Type
Austin Meade Financial Ltd K0481 IL Municipal Advisor
Representative Name
Denys, Daniel
Principal Name
Denys, Daniel
Avant Energy, Inc. K0563 MN Municipal Advisor
Representative Name
Niles, David
Principal Name
Niles, David
Backstrom McCarley Berry & Co., LLC A6298 CA Municipal Advisor/Broker Dealer
Baker Group LP A0081 OK Municipal Advisor/Broker Dealer
Baker Tilly Municipal Advisors, LLC K1027 WI Municipal Advisor
Representative Name
Adlam, Emma
Amspaugh, Heidi
Baldessari, Douglas
Bales, Isaac
Balsano, Gregory
Bawcum, George
Benitez Sigala, Heidi
Bergman, Elizabeth
Bornhoft, Grethe
Bowsher, Brock
Bubness, Matthew
Buskirk, Jeremy
Cardenas, Joseph
Carlson, Kyle
Cheek, Caitlin
Coffel, Tyler
Colton, Brian
Cooper, Brian
Cowen, Susan
Cromer, Christina
Davis, Joshua
Dorsten, Alyssa
Duncan, Brent
Eckerle, Matthew
Elmer, Bradley
Emeott, Jake
Erdman, David
Eschweiler, Mitchell
Fetters, Ryan
Finley, Scott
Foster, Timothy
Founds, Marvin
Friedrich, Alicia
Gabbard, William
Gibson, Megan
Goodson, April
Gray, Belvia
Green, Robert
Gutjahr, Joely
Habegger, Brent
Hagen, Ross
Hammond, Jeffrey
Hart, Benjamin
Hartzler, Gabriel
Hedden, Daniel
Hellenbrand, Vicki
Hogan, Christine
Holliday, Courtney
Hudson, Rhonda
Huntington, Lisa
Huot, Mikaela
Israel, Anyah
Johnson, David
Kaleko, Tom
Keenom, Gina
Krzyzanowski, Kolbe
Lacey, Vachon
Loeffelholz, Tyler
Lynch, Jessica
Magers, Kimber
Mazzei, Joseph
Mcgill, Sean
Mckinney, Alexander
Mckinney, Therese
Medina, Ana
Melton, Ethan
Miller, Scott
Moffatt, Caleb
Mouser, Andrew
Nelson, Jesse
Nielsen, Amber
Oliphant, Jessica
Olson, Barbara
Peroutka, Mark
Peterson, Lucas
Ricchiuto, Thomas
Riley, Andre
Rowe, Jeffrey
Sansone, Paige
Savick, Kimberlee
Scharff, Steven
Schrader, Samuel
Semler, Jason
Shewey, Madylin
Simonetto, Lindsay
Sinykin, Anekah
Staley, James
Stoddard, Karlee
Stoll, Andrew
Sutton, Timothy
Tanselle, Jason
Volz, Lauren
Volz, Lori
Walsh, Eric
Walsh, Sean
Wert, Jacquelyn
West, Brittani
Westervelt, Rachael
Wilcox, Adam
Barclays Capital Inc. A6566 NY Municipal Advisor/Broker Dealer
Principal Name
Daniel, John
Bartle Wells Associates K0414 CA Municipal Advisor
Principal Name
Dove, Douglas
Bayshore Consulting Group, Inc. K1263 CA Municipal Advisor
Representative Name
Linn, Marshall
Principal Name
Linn, Marshall
BC Ziegler and Company A0775 IL Municipal Advisor/Broker Dealer
Becker Capital & Finance LLC K0762 GA Municipal Advisor
Representative Name
Becker, Kenneth
Principal Name
Becker, Kenneth
Bendzinski & Co. K0220 MI Municipal Advisor
Bernard P. Donegan, Inc. K0211 NY Municipal Advisor
BGC Partners Advisory LLC K1331 NY Municipal Advisor
Representative Name
Castiglioni, James
Principal Name
Castiglioni, James
BJH Advisors LLC K0950 NY Municipal Advisor
Representative Name
Hayashi, Elizabeth
Principal Name
Hayashi, Elizabeth
BlackRock Institutional Trust Company, N.A. K1013 CA Municipal Advisor
Principal Name
King, Mitchell
Blitch Associates, Inc. K0186 TX Municipal Advisor
Representative Name
Blitch, Milton
Harris, Steven
Principal Name
Blitch, Milton
Blue Rose Capital Advisors, LLC K0611 MN Municipal Advisor
BLX Group LLC K0143 CA Municipal Advisor
BNY Mellon Capital Markets, LLC A4685 NY Municipal Advisor/Broker Dealer
BOK Financial Securities, Inc. A4700 OK Municipal Advisor/Broker Dealer
Bondry Management Consultants, LLC K1249 IN Municipal Advisor
Bosque Advisors, LLC K1301 NM Municipal Advisor
Principal Name
Valenzuela, Mark
Bradley Payne LLC K0105 OH Municipal Advisor
Bremer Bank National Association K1262 MN Municipal Advisor
Principal Name
Howard, Joshua

1 The Municipal Advisor Firm tab is updated daily and is dependent on the quality of the data a municipal advisor submits to the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). If you believe your firm has been incorrectly omitted from this list, please contact MSRB Support at 202-838-1330 or

Any entity that is engaging in municipal advisory activities on behalf of a municipal entity or obligated person client without having taken the necessary steps to become a duly registered municipal advisor firm – meaning having filed Form MA (Application for Municipal Advisor Registration) and Form MA-I (Information Regarding Natural Persons Who Engage in Municipal Advisory Activities) with the SEC and Form A-12 with the MSRB – could be deemed an unregistered municipal advisor firm, which is a violation of MSRB rules and other federal securities laws. 

Series 50-Qualified Representatives

Series 50-Qualified Representatives 

The Series 50-Qualified Representatives tab displays the names of individuals who have passed the Series 50 examand are associated with an MSRB-registered municipal advisor firm.MSRB-registered municipal advisor firms must file a Form MA-I with the SEC which denotes that such individual(s) who are Series 50 qualified are engaged in municipal advisory activities on behalf of the municipal advisor firm. Pursuant to MSRB Rule G-3, only those associated persons who have passed the Series 50 exam are permitted to engage in municipal advisory activities or directly engage in the management, direction or supervision of the municipal advisory activities of the municipal advisor and its associated persons.3

The links on this tab facilitates access to the required disclosures that municipal advisor firms make to the SEC on SEC Forms MA and MA-I. These disclosures may include information about regulatory actions, criminal actions, and other matters, if any. Read more on Municipal Advisor Professional Qualification and Examination Requirements.

Click on a firm or individual’s name below to access the filings made with the SEC.

Only those who have passed the Series 50 exam and are associated with an MSRB-registered municipal advisor firm can be found in the list below.

1 The Series 50 exam is designed to test broad-based knowledge of the business and regulations applicable to municipal advisory activities. The examination is not designed to specifically test each specialized functional role or service that may be provided on behalf of a municipal advisor firm as defined in Section 15B of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and, therefore, does not confer the degree of knowledge and expertise needed to provide a municipal entity or obligated person client with informed advice as required under MSRB Rule G-42.

2 The Series 50-Qualified Representatives’ qualification status is updated weekly, generally on the first business day of the week, and is dependent on the quality of the data a municipal advisor firm submits to the SEC on SEC Form MA-I. If your firm believes that the name of a qualified associated person is not displayed and you have confirmed that a Form MA-I is on file for the individual, please contact MSRB Support at 202-838-1330.

Since the Series 50 exam is a pre-requisite to becoming qualified as a municipal advisor principal, individuals who are Series 54 qualified are also displayed on the Series 50-Qualified Representatives tab.

Series 54-Qualified Principals

Series 54-Qualified Principals 

The Series 54-Qualified Principals tab displays the names of individuals who have passed the Series 54 examand are associated with an MSRB-registered municipal advisor firm.Pursuant to MSRB Rule G-3, only those associated persons who have passed the pre-requisite exam, the Series 50 exam, and the Series 54 exam,3 are duly qualified as a municipal advisor principal and, thus, permitted to engage in the management, direction or supervision of the municipal advisory activities of the municipal advisor and its associated persons.

All MSRB-registered municipal advisor firms had to have at least one person appropriately qualified as a municipal advisor principal. Notwithstanding, every individual who meets the definition of a municipal advisor principal, as defined under MSRB Rule G-3(e), must be appropriately qualified as a municipal advisor principal; and pursuant to MSRB Rule G-44 each municipal advisor firm must designate one or more municipal advisor principals to carry out the responsibilities required by the rule.

The links on this tab facilitates access to the required disclosures that municipal advisor firms make to the SEC on SEC Forms MA and MA-I. These disclosures may include information about regulatory actions, criminal actions and other matters, if any. Read more on the Municipal Advisor Principal Qualification Examination (Series 54 Exam).

Click on a firm or individual’s name below to access the filings made with the SEC.

Only those who have passed the Series 54 exam and are associated with an MSRB-registered municipal advisor firm can be found in the list below.

1 The Series 54 exam is designed to test that a person seeking to qualify as a municipal advisor principal satisfies a specified level of competency and knowledge by measuring a person’s ability to apply the applicable federal securities laws, including MSRB rules to the municipal advisory activities of a municipal advisor.

2 The Series 54-Qualified Principals’ qualification status is updated weekly, generally on the first business day of the week, and is dependent on the quality of the data a municipal advisor firm submits to the SEC on SEC Form MA-I. If your firm believes that the name of a qualified associated person is not displayed and you have confirmed that a Form MA-I is on file for the individual, please contact MSRB Support at 202-838-1330.

3 Since the Series 50 exam is a pre-requisite to becoming qualified as a municipal advisor principal, individuals who are Series 54 qualified are also displayed on the Series 50-Qualified Representatives tab.