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Contact: Jennifer A. Galloway, Chief Communications Officer
             (703) 797-6600


Alexandria, VA – The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) today published a fully updated version of its online Glossary of Municipal Securities Terms, featuring newly defined terms and updated definitions that reflect changes in the municipal securities market.  

“Public interest in the municipal market has never been greater and many people are unfamiliar with the standard terminology used in this complex market,” said MSRB Executive Director Lynnette Kelly. “The MSRB glossary is a convenient online reference tool for the public and others for understanding commonly used terms in the market.”  

The MSRB’s glossary, now in its third edition, is the only resource of its kind that provides the public, investors, state and local governments and other market participants with free access to municipal market terminology. The glossary is accessible from both the MSRB’s website and from the Electronic Municipal Market Access (EMMA®) website. The glossary’s enhanced search functionality suggests related terms as text is entered and additional cross-links provide quick access to related terms. 

The glossary is for educational purposes only, and the MSRB reminds financial professionals to consult MSRB rules for compliance purposes. 

The MSRB welcomes feedback from glossary users to assist in keeping the glossary up-to-date and relevant for municipal market participants.

The Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board (MSRB) protects and strengthens the municipal bond market, enabling access to capital, economic growth, and societal progress in tens of thousands of communities across the country. MSRB fulfills this mission by creating trust in our market through informed regulation of dealers and municipal advisors that protects investors, issuers and the public interest; building technology systems that power our market and provide transparency for issuers, institutions, and the investing public; and serving as the steward of market data that empowers better decisions and fuels innovation for the future. MSRB is a self-regulatory organization governed by a board of directors that has a majority of public members, in addition to representatives of regulated entities. MSRB is overseen by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Congress.