Real-Time Compliance Data Reports are Available
The MSRB is making two reports available to dealers that help them measure compliance of their transaction data submitted to the Real-Time Transaction Reporting System under Rule G-14. The G-12(f)/G-14 Compliance Data Report characterizes submissions with regard to such factors as presence or absence of errors in reporting, timeliness or lateness of reporting, number of changes made by the dealer to reported data, and accuracy of identification of the dealer that executed the transaction. The Lateness Report provides information about how soon after the time of trade submissions were received by RTRS, based on the applicable deadline (15 minutes, 3 hours, or end of day).
For a description of the reports and instructions how to obtain them, go to [click here to access a description of reports and instructions]. For questions that cannot be answered by the on-line documentation, call the MSRB Transaction Reporting Assistants at (703) 797-6600.
March 22, 2005