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Proposed Amendment to Previously Filed Amendments to Rule G-23

Attention! Attention!

Proposed Amendment to Previously Filed Amendments to Rule G-23, on Activities of Financial Advisors

On January 14, 1999, the Board filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission a proposed amendment to previously filed amendments to rule G-23, on activities of financial advisors. The proposed amendments to rule G-23 concern financial advisors who wish to act as remarketing agents for issues on which they advised the issuer.


Rule G-23, on activities of financial advisors, establishes disclosure and other requirements for dealers that act as financial advisors to issuers of municipal securities. The rule is designed principally to minimize the prima facie conflict of interest that exists when a dealer acts as both financial advisor and underwriter with respect to the same issue. Specifically, rule G-23 requires a financial advisor to alert the issuer to the potential conflict of interest that might lead the dealer to act in its own best interest as underwriter rather than the issuer=s best interest.(1) The Board recently was made aware that, in certain instances, some financial advisors also have acted as remarketing agents for issues on which they advised the issuer. To address this situation and its potential conflict of interest, the Board filed with the Commission amendments to rule G-23 to require a financial advisor, prior to entering into a remarketing agreement for an issue on which it advised, to disclose, in writing, to the issuer the terms of the remuneration the financial advisor could earn as remarketing agent on such issue and that there may be a conflict of interest in changing from the capacity of financial advisor to remarketing agent. The amendments required that the financial advisor receive the issuer=s acknowledgment in writing of receipt of such disclosures. When these requirements were met, a dealer acting as financial advisor for an issue also could serve as remarketing agent for such issue.


Commission staff requested that the Board revise the proposed amendments to rule G-23 to include a provision requiring issuer consent to the dealer=s dual role, along with certain other technical language changes. Amendment No. 2 revises the proposed amendments to require a dealer that has a financial advisory relationship with an issuer with respect to a new issue of municipal securities, prior to acting as a remarketing agent for such issue, to disclose in writing to the issuer that there may be a conflict of interest in acting as both financial advisor and remarketing agent for the securities with respect to which the financial advisory relationship exists and the source and basis of the remuneration the dealer could earn as remarketing agent on such issue. This written disclosure to the issuer can be in a separate writing provided to the issuer prior to the execution of the remarketing agreement or the disclosure can be in the remarketing agreement. The issuer must expressly acknowledge in writing to the broker, dealer, or municipal securities dealer receipt of such disclosure and consent to the financial advisor acting in both capacities and to the source and basis of the remuneration. If the disclosure is made prior to the execution of the remarketing agreement, the amount of the specific fee paid by the issuer to the remarketing agent still can be negotiated in the remarketing agreement. If the disclosure is made in the remarketing agreement, the dealer will have negotiated the amount of its fee with the issuer.

January 14, 1999



Rule G-23. Activities of Financial Advisors

(a) - (d) No change.

(e) Remarketing Activities. No broker, dealer, or municipal securities dealer that has a financial advisory relationship with an issuer with respect to a new issue of municipal securities shall act as agent for the issuer in remarketing such issue, unless the broker, dealer, or municipal securities dealer has expressly disclosed in writing to the issuer:

        (i) that there may be a conflict of interest in acting as both financial advisor and remarketing agent for the securities with respect to which the financial advisory relationship exists; and

        (ii) the source and basis of the remuneration the broker, dealer or municipal securities dealer could earn as remarketing agent on such issue.

This written disclosure to the issuer may be included either in a separate writing provided to the issuer prior to the execution of the remarketing agreement or in the remarketing agreement. The issuer must expressly acknowledge in writing to the broker, dealer, or municipal securities dealer receipt of such disclosure and consent to the financial advisor acting in both capacities and to the source and basis of the remuneration.

[(e)] (f) No change.

[(f)] (g) Each broker, dealer, and municipal securities dealer subject to the provisions of sections (d), [or] (e) or (f) of this rule shall maintain a copy of the written disclosures, acknowledgments and consents required by these sections in a separate file and in accordance with the provisions of rule G-9.

[(g)] (h) No change.

[(h)] (i) No change.


1. Rule G-23(d)(i) requires a financial advisor wishing to underwrite or place an issue of municipal securities on a negotiated basis to: (i) terminate in writing the financial advisory relationship with respect to such issue and the issuer has expressly consented in writing to such acquisition or participation; (ii) disclose in writing to the issuer at or before such termination that there may be a conflict of interest in changing from the capacity of financial advisor to purchaser of or placement agent for the securities with respect to which the financial advisory relationship exists and the issuer has expressly acknowledged in writing receipt of such disclosure; and (iii) expressly disclose in writing to the issuer at or before such termination the source and anticipated amount of all remuneration to the dealer with respect to such issue in addition to the compensation as financial advisor, and the issuer has expressly acknowledged in writing receipt of such disclosure. If such issue is to be sold by the issuer at competitive bid, the issuer must expressly consent in writing prior to the bid to the financial advisor=s acquisition or participation.

2. Underlining indicates new language; brackets denote deletions.



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