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RTRS Users Manual

RTRS Users Manual

MSRB Rule G-14 requires municipal securities dealers to report to the MSRB the sale and purchase of municipal securities.

The RTRS Specifications document details various aspects of the MSRB's Real-time Transaction Reporting System (RTRS), including input and output specifications for interfacing with RTRS using interactive messaging. Error codes assigned to an RTRS submission are also included. 

The RTRS Manual describes the web-based input of data into RTRS and describes related compliance reports. 

Questions and Answers 

Reports on Dealers Trades

Dealers can obtain a record of the transactions for which a fee has been assessed to verify their compliance with Rule G-14. Use the MSRB's Dealer Feedback System (DFS) in MSRB Gateway to request a report of all transactions reported to RTRS within a selected calendar month. Reports are available for the three most recent billing months processed by the MSRB.