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Municipal Advisor Continuing Education Requirements

 Municipal Advisor Continuing Education

The continuing education (CE) program for municipal advisors is required on an annual bases.

  • Municipal advisors are required to have a firm-administered training program that requires the firm to annually evaluate and prioritize their training needs by conducting a needs analysis that takes into consideration the municipal advisor’s size, organizational structure and scope of municipal advisory activities, as well as regulatory developments.
  • Municipal advisors must also develop a written training plan, based on the needs analysis conducted, plus the requirement to include training on the applicable regulatory requirements and fiduciary duty obligations owed to municipal entity clients, and deliver training annually to its covered persons.

Below are compliance resources that support municipal advisors’ understanding of their continuing education requirements.

MA CE Needs Analysis thumbnail

Developing a CE Needs
and Written Training Plan

FAQs on CE Program Requirements for MAs thumbnail

FAQs on Continuing Education

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